Animal Refugee Center

Fort Myers, FL

This project comprised two construction phases within the occupied animal shelter, expanding the shelter to 28,672 square feet. Phase 1 involved constructing two building additions to the existing facility. The “west” addition facilitated the expansion of animal and veterinary facilities to enhance the spay and neuter programs offered to the public. This addition included separated waiting rooms and two surgical suites. As part of this phase, the site parking lot was expanded and improved, with new landscaping added. Air conditioning was installed in the existing animal kennel bays, along with increased roof insulation and new roofing. Additionally, fire sprinklers were added throughout the facility. The “east addition” introduced a new large community conference room and facilities for receiving feral cats and kittens. Phase 2 entailed renovating the existing administrative offices and the animal adoption areas.

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ADG Architecture, llc. has the talent, ability, and experience to assist you in your project needs from pre-planning through construction activities. As your professional representative, our services go far beyond the typical construction documents and project specifications that are required for a building permit. ADG’s team of experienced professionals will provide you with the resources necessary to complete your project on time and within budget. We assist you in building continuity, quality, and cost control, and we can help you achieve a successful project conclusion.